BID DATE: April 30, 2024
PROJECT: Repairs to Purple Water Pump System B1957, MCAS Yuma, Arizona
The Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Southwest (SW) Facility Engineering Acquisition Division (FEAD) Yuma has a project for building 1957 to make various repairs to the irrigation system's basin and equipment because of pump cavitation issues as well as pump impeller damage caused by debris coming through a failing strainer. Repairs will include clearing sediment and debris from the irrigation raw water basin, replace the suction intake strainer, relocation of the pump manifold, pumps and their associated backflow preventer as well as various modifications to the pump manifold piping system. Additionally, the existing failed fabric shade structure over the pump control cabinet will be replaced with a permanent metal building to shelter the pumps and equipment from elements.
The Contract Duration is estimated at 180 calendar days from Contract Award.
Link to Project on Building Connected:
Straub Construction, Inc. Public Plan Room (buildingconnected.com)
BID DATE: April 30, 2024
PROJECT: Construction of Area Maintenance Support Activity (AMSA), Camp Pendleton, CA
Construction of a collocated Area Maintenance Support Activity (AMSA) and Vehicle Maintenance Shop (VMS) located on Camp Pendleton, CA for the U.S. Army Reserves. This project is a Design/Bid/Build project to Construct a 15,000 Square Feet (SF) collocated AMSA and VMS. Supporting facilities include land clearing, vehicle wash rack/platform, bi-level equipment loading ramp, fencing, general site improvements and utility connections. Accessibility for the disabled will be provided. Facilities will be designed to a minimum life of 40 years in accordance with DoD's Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC 1-200-02) including energy efficiencies, building envelope and integrated building systems performance. Dispose/Demolish four (4) buildings at Camp Pendleton, California (6,774 Total SF). Air Conditioning (Estimated 25 Tons).
The project contains options such as: paved parking areas, loading ramps, and collateral equipment.
The Contract Duration is estimated at 900 calendar days from Contract Award.
Link to Project on Building Connected:
Straub Construction, Inc. Public Plan Room (buildingconnected.com)
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This notice is part of Straub Construction, Inc.’s (“SCI”) request for subcontractor bids and is made pursuant to California Public Contract Code section 4100 et seq. All subcontractors submitting bids to SCI must be duly licensed by the California Contractors State License Board and/or applicable state in which the project is located, and must submit their contractors license numbers with their bids. All subcontractor bids must be, and will be considered by SCI to be, in full compliance with the owner’s contract documents, including but not limited to the owner’s general conditions and the project plans and specifications. All subcontract agreements are to be awarded on SCI’s standard subcontract form, which is available for viewing on this website. No subcontractor proposal will be made part of the subcontract agreement. Subcontractors submitting bids must be prepared to execute the subcontract agreement promptly after it is presented to the subcontractor.
In addition, SCI requests that all subcontractors submitting bids furnish performance and payment bonds, in the form specified in SCI’s standard subcontract form, naming SCI as the obligee and guaranteeing prompt and faithful performance of the subcontract and the payment of all claims for labor and materials furnished or used in and about the work to be done and performed under the subcontract. The bonds must be issued by an admitted surety that: (a) is listed on the most current U.S. Treasury Circular #570; (b) has an underwriting limit in excess of the penal sum of the bond; and (c) has a rating of “A” or better in the current A.M. Best rating Guide of Property/Casualty Insurance Companies. The penal sum of each bond to be furnished shall be the subcontract price.
By Subcontractor submitted a bid, they confirm that they have read and reviewed the above information and the documents available on Straub’s website, and agree to comply with Straub’s standard subcontract form and general subcontracting, bonding and insurance requirements. In the event a subcontractor submitting a bid does not comply with the above, SCI reserves the right to reject such bid and make a substitution of another subcontractor.